Research shows that a healthy lifestyle reduces the chances of breast cancer by up to 34%.
Is this a surprise? Now take a look at how we take advantage of beautiful bodies and abuse their abilities to heal naturally.
I understand that lifestyle changes and creating a routine can appear complicated and confusing. I have struggled with the same excuses and distractions most of my life. After I turned 40, my view of myself and what I wanted my life to look like became very different. My focus went from instant gratification and accumulation to how I can live a healthy, impactful life and enjoy it for the next 50 years.
I have been teaching the wisdom of Ayurveda for over ten years. It focuses heavily on lifestyle, routine, and the importance of following nature’s laws to maintain harmony and balance. But if we go against the natural rhythms, disease and illness will happen. Here is some research that I came across focused on the importance of a healthy lifestyle and reducing our breast cancer chances.
One of the notable lifestyle factors is a healthy plant-based diet; this does not mean a vegetarian diet. It means more vegetables, fruits, and nonanimal proteins than mostly meat-based. Furthermore, diets that are high in inflammatory foods such as sugar, highly processed food, red meat, and high in fat put women at a higher risk of breast cancer, according to a study written in the Cancer Epidemiology, Biomarkers, and Prevention Journal. The study was conducted on 45,000 women over 22 years. The research showed that 870 women were diagnosed with premenopausal breast cancer, and 490 were diagnosed with postmenopausal breast cancer. The numbers might not sound significant until they added into the equation who ate the highest inflammatory foods; the numbers were staggering.
In another similar study, avoiding risk factors such as being overweight, shift work, stress, hormone therapy, unhealthy diet, lack of activity, drugs (including alcohol and cigarettes), and making better lifestyle choices could reduce the risk of postmenopausal breast cancer by up to 34%.
Finally, in a nine-year study, 17,000 menopausal women who did not use hormone therapy and had an unhealthy lifestyle were compared to a group of women who had a healthy lifestyle. The result concluded that the women who had unhealthy lifestyles increased their chance of postmenopausal breast cancer by two-times and had a higher mortality rate.
Ladies, it is time to acknowledge the importance of lifestyle and self-care. This research reinforces my desire and excitement to inform women why it is crucial to choose a healthier lifestyle and create a routine before it is too late.
I will have a series of events covering lifestyle, breathing, and yoga for breast health. Visit the events page for dates and times.
I am also offering a year-long program in 2021, supporting women on their journey to better sleep, more energy, hormone health, lifestyle, and building a routine. Together we will cover many topics and will have practices to go along with each. More to come…